How to use 3d pen for kids
Time: Mar 12, 2024

3d pen for kids

For a child who is learning to use a 3D pen, using a 3D pen for kids can be an exciting and creative activity. Here's a step-by-step guide tailored specifically for children:


Step 1: Safety First

Explain to your child that the 3D pen gets hot, so they should never touch the nozzle without adult supervision.

Ensure they're using a kid-friendly 3D pen that has safety features like lower temperature settings.


Step 2: Choose Your Filament

Select a PLA or ABS filament (most kid-friendly pens use these materials), which come in different colors.

Show them how to insert the filament into the pen, following the pen's specific instructions.


Step 3: Warm Up the Pen

Plug in the pen and turn it on.

Wait until the pen heats up to the right temperature for the filament.


Step 4: Test Run

Encourage them to draw on a piece of paper first to get familiar with the flow of the melted filament.

They should press the extrusion button gently and see how the pen lays down the material.


Step 5: Go 3D

Now, demonstrate how to lift the pen slightly while still extruding to create a bridge of plastic, forming a 3D object.

Start with simple shapes like dots, lines, or small loops standing upright.


Step 6: Create Shapes and Designs

Guide them through making basic 3D designs, such as flat spirals that can be lifted to create a spiral tower or connecting lines to build walls for a mini-house.

Have templates available for them to trace over if needed.

3d pen funny ideas for kids

Step 7: Patience and Practice

Emphasize that creating 3D art takes patience and practice. It's okay if their first attempts don't look perfect.

Encourage them to experiment with different speeds and angles.


Step 8: Supervision

Always supervise young children while they're using a low temperature 3d pen to ensure they're safe and comfortable.


Step 9: Cooling and Cleanup

Once finished, remind them to turn off the pen and let it cool down completely.

Help them remove any excess filament and store the pen safely.


Step 10: Save and Display

Let the 3D creation cool and harden completely before handling it.

Encourage them to display their artwork proudly, which will boost their confidence and creativity.


Using a 3D pen can provide hours of creative fun for kids while also fostering their fine motor skills and spatial awareness. Remember to celebrate every creation, no matter how small. Encourage them to explore and experiment with the possibilities of this innovative tool!


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